Is it bad to say that whenever I'm lying awake at night, I start thinking about how I could incorporate yo yos into a cushion design (for the
Chocolate Lollipop challenge), and unfailingly, these thoughts send me into a deep slumber?! Like should I be glad to find such an efficient method of inducing sleep, particularly seeing as I have a two month old and need to make the most of all the sleep I can get, or should I be perturbed by my lack of excitement when it comes to yo yos???
Speaking of the challenge, I emailed them ages ago (on 01/07/07, to be exact) and I still haven't heard from them - I wonder if this is normal?
Anyway, for want of another image, here's one of Jasper, wearing a cute handknitted cardie I picked up from the op shop for $3.75!
Hi it's Emma from Ballarat Patchwork, sorry you are having problems getting your email through to us, unfortunately you are not the only one. We are working hard to solve the problem. Could you please email us again, this time to
what do u mean by yoyo's??
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